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Art of Woodfire

Presented by Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill at Truro Center for the Arts, Truro MA

Jun 24 - 28 2024
Art of Woodfire

In this workshop students will participate in all aspects of firing a train kiln.

This workshop will encourage the development of skill-based learning, foster dialogue about surfaces of wood-fired ceramics and explore train kiln firing techniques.  All participants will be stoking the kiln, prepping wood, and helping to clean the kiln and shelves after firing. On the first day the class will meet at the ceramics studio to glaze and slip work.  We will also create a schedule together to divide ... view more »


Registration is $525


Additional time info:

Instructor: Christopher Smith
June 24 -28
Sunday - Saturday
9am first meeting
various meeting times through the week
5 Sessions

Day 1 Sunday: Glaze at Castle Hill (9am)

Day 2 Monday: Wad Work & Begin to load kiln & prep wood (9am)

Day 3 Tuesday: Finish loading & Brick up Door & Start Firing kiln & Prep kiln

Day 4 Wednesday: Fire Kiln & Prep wood

Day 5 Thursday: Fire Kiln

Day 6 Friday: Cooling (Class does not meet)

Day 7 Saturday: Unload and Clean up (9am)


* Event durations (if noted) are approximate. Please check with the presenting organization or venue to confirm start times and duration.


Truro Center for the Arts

10 Meetinghouse Road, Truro, MA 02666

CONNECT WITH Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill
